Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms Consultation

Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms Consultation

RWE has taken into consideration information received from wide-ranging consultation activities with relevant stakeholders, including a series of public events held in 2022 and 2023.

Feedback combined with results of detailed environmental surveys and engineering assessments, has enabled RWE to refine the plans it presented at the latest consultation event and to confirm core elements of the onshore infrastructure required to support the DBS projects.

First, the point at which the offshore cables will come ashore, the landfall site, is selected and will be in the area identified as Landfall Zone 8, south of the Parkdean Caravan Park, Skipsea. This location avoids a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Second, the cable route from landfall to the converter station is now narrower than previously presented and avoids interaction with areas identified as of concern, for example significant heritage assets around Nunkeeling Priory and designated landscape at Westwood Common.

Third, the two converter stations will be co-located in the area identified as Substation Zone 4, north of Bentley and RWE has removed options for a second substation zone or onward cabling at Woodmansey.

As a result of these changes following consultation, we are now consulting everyone with a land interest in areas involved in adjustments made since we shared the PEIR in the Summer. This consultation starts on 13 November until 10 December to ensure that results can be included in the consultation report as part of the DCO Application.

Final changes up to submission may still occur due to ongoing technical work.

View our interactive map

You can view the onshore and offshore elements of the project using our interactive map.

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Spring 2024 Newsletter

Read the latest update on the projects following the statutory consultation.

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Preliminary Environmental Information Report Documents

You can view all our Preliminary Environmental Information Report ('PEIR'), which was consulted on in Summer 2023, on our documents page.

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Who we are

From March 2024, RWE and Masdar are jointly developing the Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farm Projects, with Masdar holding a 49% stake and RWE a 51% stake.

RWE is one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies and the one of the largest renewable generators in the UK. RWE supplies around 15% of the UK electricity using a vast range of technologies.

RWE continues to grow its offshore portfolio in the UK, with 10 operational wind farms and one of the largest offshore wind development pipelines in the country.

Masdar is a pioneer in advancing the clean energy sector and a global leader in sustainability and climate action. Masdar has developed and partnered in projects in over 40 countries across six continents and has invested, or committed to invest, in worldwide projects with a combined value of more than US$30 billion.

Promoting innovation in solar, wind, energy storage, waste-to-energy, and geothermal energy, Masdar has a proven record of advancing the commercialisation and deployment of renewable energy and clean technologies to address the world’s sustainability challenges.

What we heard from your feedback

We have summarised the key themes and what we are doing to address them in the table below. A detailed breakdown of all consultation responses and how they have been considered will be set out in a Consultation Report that will be submitted as part of the application for a Development Consent Order (DCO).

Theme Feedback topics What we're doing
Landscape and Visual

Potential visual impact of the substations and how views might be affected. Many respondents stated a preference for co-locating the substations within one zone.

Planting ahead of construction to allow plants to become established.

The presence of overhead lines.

A decision has been made to remove Substation Zone 1 from the project design and to co-locate two High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) converter stations in Substation Zone 4.

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of the co-located substation design and mitigation plans, including illustrative landscape planting schemes, is being developed and will be presented in the Environmental Statement (ES).

The landscape specialists are also considering the substation design as part of the scheme development.

All cables will be buried.

Traffic and Transport

Routing traffic through residential areas.

The use of trenchless crossings under well-used roads.

The development and use of a Transport Management Plan for the construction period.

Moving large items by sea/ barge to the landfall.

Consideration of cumulative impacts with other development schemes.

To reduce traffic movements to levels lower than presented in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report we will use one haul road for both projects, complete ducting for both projects during construction of the first project and share engineering works where possible.

Construction traffic routes have been developed in consultation with East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC), Hull City Council and National Highways. Where possible this minimises routes through residential areas.

Through the Construction Traffic Management Plan, we will work with ERYC to agree traffic management measures. This may include restricting construction traffic levels at certain locations to avoid sensitive times such as school start and finish times.

We will continue to develop the Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan to ensure that necessary controls are in place to manage construction traffic.

The Traffic and Transport Assessment will consider cumulative development in the area.

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Queries about archaeological investigations

We are carrying out detailed archaeological surveys and heritage resource assessments as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process.

Geophysical surveys have been completed on more than 75% of the onshore development area.

A trial trenching plan has been agreed with Historic England and Humber Archaeological Partnership to investigate potential features identified during the desk-based and geophysical surveys, plus some ‘blank’ areas.

Trial trenching is in progress at the landfall and substation sites and will begin along the cable route in 2024.

Significant heritage assets have been identified around Nunkeeling. Following consultation with heritage stakeholders the cable route has been amended and now avoids these sites.


Potential impact on Beverley Westwood and Burton Bushes Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The cable route avoids both Beverley Westwood and Burton Bushes SSSI.

Temporary construction compounds (TCC) have been selected that are further away from Burton Bushes SSSI to minimise impact.

We have committed to Horizontal Directional Drill under woodland areas to leave them undisturbed and in situ.

Agricultural Land

Development on agricultural land and impact on Agricultural Land Classification.


Land will be returned to agricultural use once the cable route is installed, and landowners will be able to return to normal farming practices. They will, however, be prohibited from activities that might interfere with or damage the cables such as erecting buildings or allowing any plant or tree to grow in the cable easement strip.

We will use a competent contractor for soil handling, storage and reinstatement under Defra (2009) Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites; storing excavated subsoil separately from the topsoil, with sufficient separation to ensure segregation.

We will carry out all work diligently, using suitable materials and in accordance with good industry practice, which will be outlined in a Code of Construction Practice, submitted with the Environmental Statement. We will also reinstate or divert existing agricultural land drains to the satisfaction of the landowner.


Potential noise impacts during construction along the cable route.

We have sited the cable route and any temporary construction compounds away from residential properties and caravan parks where possible.

Public Rights of Way (PRoW)

Ensuring minimal impacts on PRoW during construction

We will work with the local authority and other consultees to agree how to manage PRoW during construction. We are not proposing to permanently divert any PRoW.

Hydrology, Flood Risk and Drainage

Consideration of flood zone areas and the potential impact on water storage in aquifers.

A Flood Risk Assessment is in progress in consultation with the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority and the Beverley and North Holderness Internal Drainage boards and will be presented in the Environmental Statement. Sections of the onshore cable corridor are located within Flood Zone 2 and 3 associated with several main rivers, including the River Hull, plus ordinary watercourses.

We will use trenchless techniques, including Horizontal Directional Drilling to cross main rivers and mitigate flood risk in these locations. For ordinary watercourses we will use trenched crossings designed to maintain flow volumes and rates. Once operational there will be no flood risk to or from the onshore export cables.

The onshore substation is in Flood Zone 1, which has a low risk of flooding from fluvial sources. There are some areas of surface water flood risk that will be managed as part of the substation operational sustainable drainage design. A drainage strategy will be submitted with the Development Consent Order.

There are Source Protection Zones (SPZs) for drinking water located along the onshore cable corridor. The impact on aquifers and SPZs will be assessed in the Environmental Impact Assessment and appropriate mitigation measures included in the Code of Construction practice submitted with the Environmental Statement.

Coastal Erosion

Influence of activities at the landfall location on coastal erosion.

The design considers potential future coastal erosion at the landfall. We are undertaking geotechnical site investigations to inform the construction methodology at the landfall and minimise the impact of the development on the environment. Effects on coastal erosion and flood risk will be assessed in the Environmental Impact Assessment and mitigated where necessary.


Potential impacts from electromagnetic fields.

The projects will implement relevant guidelines from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the UK Government voluntary code of practice. Our commitment to these standards is to the satisfaction of The Planning Inspectorate and the UK Health Security Agency.

Air Quality

Potential impacts from construction vehicle exhaust emissions.

Effects from air quality will be considered as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Supply Chain

Use of local supply chain for components

Offshore wind is a core growth opportunity in the region. We plan to maximise potential for the benefit of local businesses, create new, high quality long-term jobs, support new skills development, and wherever possible, ensure that all localised options are explored.

Offshore Ecology

Potential impacts on offshore wildlife including birds, fish and marine mammals.

We are assessing potential impacts on offshore ecology. Preliminary results are outlined in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) and have been discussed with relevant expert topic groups. The final report will be submitted as part of the Development Consent Order.

Project Design

Reduce the design envelope within Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation by:

  • Removing the option of HVAC as a mode of transmission;
  • Removing the option of gravity base foundations.

We will progress with the HVDC transmission systems only, which reduces the number of offshore export cables and platforms required. This is in line with advice received from Natural England to help minimise environmental impacts.

Gravity base foundations have been removed from the wind turbine foundations but currently remain as an option for the platform foundations. We are continuing to review site-specific ground condition data, the size/ weight of the equipment required and the potential complexity of installation to inform our final decision for the platform foundations.

Underwater noise

Potential for noise abatement systems and temporal and/or spatial restrictions on construction between August and October to protect herring spawning from underwater noise.

Parameters used in the underwater noise modelling for the PEIR assessments have been reduced following feedback including: reductions to array area; monopile diameter; hammer energy; maximum simultaneous piling events and maximum number of piles per day. These modifications are expected to reduce underwater noise.

We will include the updated results in the Environmental Statement and propose appropriate mitigation for any potential significant impacts to be discussed and agreed with the Marine Management Organisation and Natural England.